AGM meeting March 2 2016

The Societies AGM meeting was held last wednesday at the Cricket Club in Stamford Bridge. It was an important meeting, not only as the annual AGM but also because of course Toms passing had left a lot of issues to be addressed and society in general need to focus on its core activities and the direction to be taken. 

I have to admit that I was a little apprehensive before the meeting started, but as we ploughed through the agenda it became clear that the members who attended were positive, in good cheer and determined to carry on with the plans and projects that both tom was involved with and new ones we had planned.

The following is a brief overview of what was discussed and the new implementations agreed by all.



This has been a year of highs and extreme lows, one which we could never envisage.
From the new show at Hazlewood Castle, the success of the Tapestry project to the untimely passing of Tom.  The Chairman can’t thank people enough for their encouragement and support over the last year and especially the last few weeks.

Appreciation of course to the management committee, to Michelle, our Treasurer, to Alan who managed the Membership until he resigned for personal reasons, and of course to Tom who provided the donkeywork as Society Secretary.

A few people have said to me, ‘’Well, Chris, - it’s all on your shoulders now’’; well let me you tell you that I don’t want it to be all on my shoulders; I want us all here and those members not present to pull together and share the load, we all have the passion and personal interests, otherwise we wouldn’t be members of this society. Let’s make this year, and every year after even more successful than the previous four years.  I know we can achieve it and continue the legacy that Tom helped to create.

I certainly don’t have any concerns regarding the Tapestry project, I know the right team and right skills are there to continue the excellent work and complete this unique piece of art and history for the community, for Yorkshire and indeed for England. I look forward to the day it is unveiled for all the world to see.

It only remains for me to say that I will try and continue to make the society all that which both Tom and myself envisaged it to be. We should be very proud of what we have done in just four short years. Here’s to the next 20.

Thank You

Chris Rock, Chairman – Battle of Stamford Bridge Heritage Society, March 2nd 2016

2016 Management Committee

Election of Chairman : Chris Rock
Treasurer/Memberships : Michelle Wayper
Secretary : AGREED to split position into various components, offer of help from Jenny. Frederick offered to compile and publish monthly newsletter, and liaise with the Link articles. Mike offered to set up and manage a Twitter account and look into Facebook, to help with publicity and profiling BOSBHS on line.


Increase of subs only for 2016/17 season £10.00pp to be put to vote - AGREED

Society Meeting Dates 2016/2017
April 13 / May 11 / June 15 / July 13 / Aug 10 / Sept 14 / Oct 12 / Nov 9 / Dec 14 /
2017: Jan 11 / Feb 8

- Meeting guest speakers suspended until October - AGREED

- Battlefield walk for public:  prebooked only - AGREED

- Show new sub committee: At least 4 Officers to report to Management Committee:

1) Re-enactment Societies/Living History Liaison Officer (Mark Bonner offered)
2) Funding / Publicity Officer (Jenny offered to look into new contacts at ERC)
3) Health & Safety Officer (First Aid / Toilets / Water / Litter / Public Safety / Licences / Car Parking / Security) (DIANE offered to look into Public Licences etc)
4) Traders / Catering Liaison Officer


Update of Fulford status : Chas Jones
Tapestry : Jenny 
English Heritage/Field/Battle Weekend : Chris
Village Gala Day 19th June : Jenny
Archaeology (April 30 Mon-May 2nd, Bank Hol) - ORGANISING TEAM AGREED (Simon/Diane/Brian & Maxine)
Scarecrows 1066 Competition - GALA DAY?
Poetry Commissions/Reading evening


- TOM - A celebration evening fundraiser/auction Ceildih April 16th - AGREED

- Easter Bank Hol Mon 28th March, Publicity drive in village / coffee morning / bridge toll / tapestry / costumes / marquee at memorial - AGREED

- Scrayingham Church Talk- Fran, March
- Stamford Bridge Singers concert/Village Hall Sat 5th March at 7.30pm Tickets are £10
- June 15th : Society Trip - AGREED

Thanks To all who attended, it was a very good meeting and despite the recent bad news the society has proved itself worthy of Toms memory. We can certainly make this year the best for us and all those who are connected to us in any way. Keep it up!

Chris Rock