Previous Re-enactments info.

In 1966 the first 're-enactment' took place and 12,000 people came to watch!

It was organised by local people - Army engineers built a Bailey bridge over the river, a relay of runners came from London with a message from the Lord Mayor, a procession of 'warriors' led by cavalry came from York,the event was covered by American TV CBS. Unfortunately the battle only lasted a couple of minutes because this type of re-enactment had never been done before.

Nothing happened until 2007 when a small number of re-enactors came to the village hall. There were Living History and warrior displays.A 40 foot replica longboat came by river from York (53 miles) and caused a great spectacle as it arrived by torchlight at the picnic area full of Viking warriors.

In 2010 over 150 re-enactors from 'The Vikings' society put on a full display of events including the Battle at the Playing Fields.

In 2011 more re-enactors came and put on an even bigger show - see other pages.

2012 - EVEN BIGGER - 2 days of events and entertainment. 

The future -an annual event to rival Hastings!