Wanted – diggers, needle workers and volunteers for our projects.
Wanted – diggers, needle workers and volunteers for our projects.
We have now launched 2 MAJOR projects and would like the community and community groups to get involved.
The BIG DIG – will take place over Spring Bank holiday (May 23- 25th)
We want to dig up (with permission) a 1 meter square pit of garden/land, to try and uncover any archaeology relating to the history of Stamford Bridge area. The dig will be supervised by archaeologist Jon Kenny, who will provide expert guidance and training before we start. If you would like to offer a piece of your garden ( or other area). Please contact Tom Wyles, (01759 371638) or Chris Rock on 07572 684875 email chrisrock62@hotmail.com
Please let us know if you are unable to undertake a dig yourself.
1066 Tapestry - based on the Bayeaux and Fulford tapestries, we are creating our own piece of history by telling the story of the battle of Stamford Bridge. This will be the missing link in the story of 1066 and is a major undertaking which could take several years to complete. We expect to hold a workshop/seminar in early March, run by Chas Jones (who was the inspiration and expert with the Fulford Tapestry). There is a huge amount of design and planning before we start but we will be running more workshops and practice sessions as we decide on the final start date.
To register your (or your group) interest, please contact Tom Wyles.(01759 371638) email thwyles@btintermet.com or Chris Rock on 07572 684875 email chrisrock62@hotmail.com
If you want to know more, please come along to our
Next meeting on Wed February 11th in the
Cricket Club, starting at 7.30pm